• Que.

    Which of the following is true about energy drinks and mixers:


    A) Carbonation Generally Slows the Rate of Alcohol Absorption

    B) Caffeine Helps Keep the Person Aware of How Intoxicated He or She Is

    C) A sweet taste can hide the taste of alcohol

    D) All of the Above?

    The correct answer is:

    C) A sweet taste can hide the taste of alcohol


    C) A sweet taste can hide the taste of alcohol: This statement is true. Sweet flavors in energy drinks and mixers can mask the taste of alcohol, making it easier to consume larger quantities without noticing the strength of the alcoholic beverage. This can be concerning because it may lead individuals to underestimate the amount of alcohol they have consumed, increasing the risk of overconsumption and its associated dangers.

    So, the correct answer is C) A sweet taste can hide the taste of alcohol, as this statement accurately reflects a potential consequence of consuming sweetened mixers and energy drinks with alcohol.

    Dec 08 2024

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